Posts Tagged ‘Bleeping added’

Duck Dynasty Revisited

Posted: October 10, 2013 in Articles
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Well, we have watched around 4-6 episodes of Duck Dynasty since we first heard about it and we like it okay. Our mother and John really like Phil, especially when he prays.

One thing that makes us like Phil is that he stands up for what he believes in. We recently saw a video with Phil and Willie speaking. Phil said that there were some shows where the editors added bleeping even though there was no profanity and he also said that they edited out the words “in Jesus’s name” from his prayers because they might offend someone. He confronted them with both of these issues and we liked that

Why should they add bleeping when they don’t say any bad words? Are we supposed to think men are better if they are always cussing? Because we don’t. Also, practically anything a person says might offend another person. Jesus’s name is offensive to some, but that doesn’t mean we should stop saying His name.

If you’ve never watched Duck Dynasty, you might want to watch it and see if you like it. If you don’t like it at all, maybe you should watch an episode with Phil in it. Everyone seems to like Phil – he seems smart, wise, knowledgeable, and humble. These are good qualities and they make Phil likeable.

In the last episode we watched, we saw Phil clean some frogs and then they ate them for supper. We think that’s a good way to live. Catch your food and eat your food – very simple and healthy.